
Friday 30 May 2014

Baking Day!

So, today I decided to do some baking! I recently brought a silicon cupcake tray and wanted to try it out. I made a batch of 12 banana cupcakes and 12 lemon butterfly cakes. I'll outline the ingredients which I used and the method below for anyone that fancies giving them a go! And also, at the very bottom I'll include my personal greatest baking achievement.

Banana Cupcakes


  • 115g butter
  • 115g caster sugar
  • 115g self-raising flour
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 1 ripe mushed banana
  1. Preheat the oven to gas mark 4/180 degrees/160 degrees(fan assisted)
  2. Cream together the butter and sugar, then add the flour, eggs and banana. Mix until smooth.
  3. Put cake cases in a cupcake tray and fill them with the mixture evenly.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes until soft and springy to touch. Then allow to cool.
I did this and decided that they needed something a little extra, so I added butter cream and pink edible glitter.

Lemon Butterfly Cakes


  • 113g caster sugar
  • 113g butter
  • 60ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 113g self-raising flour
  • 1 jar lemon curd
  1. Preheat the oven to gas mark 4/180 degrees/160 degrees(fan assisted).
  2. Cream together the butter and cream.
  3. Put the milk in a measuring jug and add the egg. Then, whisk them together(with a fork).
  4. Add the flour to the butter and sugar mix and then add the milk and egg mix in as well. Add around 5-6 teaspoons of lemon curd finally.
  5. Like the cases again and evenly distribute the mixture between them.
  6. Bake for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Leave to cool.
  8. Cut a section out of the middle and then halve it. Fill the hole with lemon curd and then place the halved pieces on top to look like wings.
My Baking Great

Back in December it was my boyfriends' birthday and I decided to push my limited baking skills to the limit and make him as minion(from Despicable Me) cake. It took 2 days and a lot a research, but finally I got it looking how I imagined.

Monday 12 May 2014

Daddy-O Shampoo Review

So, I have been a HUGE Lush fan for what seems like forever now, but I hadn't tried any of their shampoo range until recently. I'm blonde, I was a natural blonde as a child, but around the age of 15 my hair started going very ''mousey'', so I decided to dye it using drug store hair dyes.

For the past couple years I have used drug store hair dyes, but in March this year I decided to have my hair done at the hairdressers. I have always stayed near to my natural colour, so had a half head of blonde highlights. I wanted to make sure that I managed to keep this highlights looking blonde and fresh for as long as possible, preventing them from turning brassy. So, that's how I ended up with this Lush product.

In case anyone is wondering, no the bottle is not purple, it's the colour of the shampoo! This is because purple is great at cancelling out brassy tones. I love using Lush products, due to their fresh and natural ingredients. The main ingredients highlighted on the front of the bottle are lemon and violet, and as you might have guessed, it smells amazing and fresh.

It works on any colour hair, and I've had no experience that some of the users claim of it turning hair purple. And as a blonde, I can really tell that it's keeping my hair bright and just as I like it.

It's a little pricey, but not too bad. And it really will last you ages, you literally need to smallest amount in each wash. I have rather long hair, well past shoulder length, and it seems that I've used hardly any. I compliment this product with my Tresemme colour protect shampoo and condition and they all work a treat on my hair!

It's definitely a product that I would recommend to everyone; blonde or not! Hope this has helped!

*SIDE NOTE: Apologies for lack of post this fast few weeks and for the next few weeks also, A level exam season has just started here in the UK and all my AS exams are coming up (the first is tomorrow!) so I'm busy busy at the moment revising and preparing but I will try to upload as regular as I can.*

Monday 5 May 2014

Top Find!!

The Lion King has always been my absolute favourite Disney film, so when I saw this little gem in Primark I couldn't resist! It's just a great top to throw on with jeans and converse and always makes me smile when I see it. What else made me smile was the price, £6!
They also had a Bambi one in store which my sister brought. It's a great top to have, easy to wear and just a great reminder of childhood.
Very short post, but needed to share this awesome find :)

Saturday 3 May 2014

Eye Primer Bargain!

So, I am the type of person that always has to use an eye primer as eye shadows have a tenancy to crease on my lids.
I've never really tried e.l.f products before, but around a month ago I decided to do a semi big order from there and try a few products out. Amongst my purchases, was the e.l.f eye primer in the colour champagne. And it was only...wait for it.. £1.95! Before now, I have always used the Urban Decay Primer Potion which is £16.00, a lot more than the e.l.f one!
With the price being so low, I didn't expect much from this product, but oh how wrong I was. It makes my eye make-up last just as long as the Urban Decay one, I've been loving it, and especially loving the price. 
Though there isn't as much product in the e.l.f eye primer as the urban decay one, I've been using it every day for the past month and am still on my first one.
I would definitely recommend it to any of you looking for an eye primer, or for those of you who were hooked on the Urban Decay one and are up for giving something else a go.