
Friday 27 June 2014

Amazing Saving!

So, I did a cheeky little order from Monki the other day, and my dress arrived yesterday. And oh my, I am absolutely in love with it. It was an absolute bargain, only £12 from £25. And I have to say, I was very impressed with their delivery service.

The print of this dress is what got me, it's so unique and interesting, I was so excited for it to arrive. I've never brought a dress from Monki before, so I wasn't sure what their sizing is like. I ended up getting an XS, and it fits perfectly on me(usually a UK size 6/8 or US size 2/4).

I'm really excited thinking about all the ways that I can style this. I'll be dressing it up next month when I go out for a meal and to see Jimmy Carr, with black wedged heels and either a black leather jacket or black blazer. But I love this dress for a casual day out shopping, with some converse and a denim jacket. I just think it's so versatile.

Also, one of my pet hates are dresses that are too short for my leg length, and this dress is just perfect; I'm not conscious that my bottom is showing the entire time. So all in all top marks for Monki! I will definitely be going back for dresses from there in the future! 

Monday 23 June 2014

New Body Butter

So, when walking past The Body Shop not long ago, I noticed in the window there was a sign saying that their body butters were on sale at only £5!(They're usually £13). So of course, I wouldn't resist popping in and picking one up.
I was in there smelling all the different varieties, and there was one that really stood out to me, the blueberry one! I didn't think I'd ever seen it before, and when the shop assistant noticed it had gotten my attention, she came over to talk to me and was telling me that its a re release apparently and they haven't had it for a very long time. 
I decided that it was my favourite and purchased it.

I have quite dry skin, so the fact that this one is perfect for dry skin is a bonus. If I moisturise in the morning after my shower, by the end of the day my skin still feels baby soft and I can still smell the blueberry smell. It really is a top purchase :)

Sunday 22 June 2014

MUA Undressed Palette

I'd heard a lot of good things about the MUA palettes, so while I was in Superdrug last week I decided to pick myself one up. And for only £4! I picked up the Undressed palette, which seems to be a high street alternative to the Urban Decay Naked Palette.
£4 for 12 eye shadows, I wasn't expecting much from this product, but oh how wrong I was. I am absolutely in love with it and have been using it every day for the past week or so.

The colours are so pigmented and its only a fraction of the price of the actual Naked palette. Also, I have found that the colours last all day on my eyelids as well.

There are SO many looks that you can create with this palette, suitable for so many occasions. You can create a simple day look, with just a light shimmer across the lid and a bit of definition in the crease. Or a dramatic evening look, that's smoky and sexy. 
Either way, I feel like there's something in this palette for everybody, and for £4 you can't go wrong.
I love it so much that I'm going to be going back and picking up more of their palettes!

Exams Are Over!

Wow. The past month or so has flown by! And finally, all my exams are over. No more manic revision, only summer to look forward to. 
I hope everyone that has also had exams has done brilliantly! And now it's time to relax, enjoy ourselves, and make the most of the summer!

Friday 30 May 2014

Baking Day!

So, today I decided to do some baking! I recently brought a silicon cupcake tray and wanted to try it out. I made a batch of 12 banana cupcakes and 12 lemon butterfly cakes. I'll outline the ingredients which I used and the method below for anyone that fancies giving them a go! And also, at the very bottom I'll include my personal greatest baking achievement.

Banana Cupcakes


  • 115g butter
  • 115g caster sugar
  • 115g self-raising flour
  • 2 medium eggs
  • 1 ripe mushed banana
  1. Preheat the oven to gas mark 4/180 degrees/160 degrees(fan assisted)
  2. Cream together the butter and sugar, then add the flour, eggs and banana. Mix until smooth.
  3. Put cake cases in a cupcake tray and fill them with the mixture evenly.
  4. Bake for 20 minutes until soft and springy to touch. Then allow to cool.
I did this and decided that they needed something a little extra, so I added butter cream and pink edible glitter.

Lemon Butterfly Cakes


  • 113g caster sugar
  • 113g butter
  • 60ml milk
  • 1 egg
  • 113g self-raising flour
  • 1 jar lemon curd
  1. Preheat the oven to gas mark 4/180 degrees/160 degrees(fan assisted).
  2. Cream together the butter and cream.
  3. Put the milk in a measuring jug and add the egg. Then, whisk them together(with a fork).
  4. Add the flour to the butter and sugar mix and then add the milk and egg mix in as well. Add around 5-6 teaspoons of lemon curd finally.
  5. Like the cases again and evenly distribute the mixture between them.
  6. Bake for 15-20 minutes.
  7. Leave to cool.
  8. Cut a section out of the middle and then halve it. Fill the hole with lemon curd and then place the halved pieces on top to look like wings.
My Baking Great

Back in December it was my boyfriends' birthday and I decided to push my limited baking skills to the limit and make him as minion(from Despicable Me) cake. It took 2 days and a lot a research, but finally I got it looking how I imagined.

Monday 12 May 2014

Daddy-O Shampoo Review

So, I have been a HUGE Lush fan for what seems like forever now, but I hadn't tried any of their shampoo range until recently. I'm blonde, I was a natural blonde as a child, but around the age of 15 my hair started going very ''mousey'', so I decided to dye it using drug store hair dyes.

For the past couple years I have used drug store hair dyes, but in March this year I decided to have my hair done at the hairdressers. I have always stayed near to my natural colour, so had a half head of blonde highlights. I wanted to make sure that I managed to keep this highlights looking blonde and fresh for as long as possible, preventing them from turning brassy. So, that's how I ended up with this Lush product.

In case anyone is wondering, no the bottle is not purple, it's the colour of the shampoo! This is because purple is great at cancelling out brassy tones. I love using Lush products, due to their fresh and natural ingredients. The main ingredients highlighted on the front of the bottle are lemon and violet, and as you might have guessed, it smells amazing and fresh.

It works on any colour hair, and I've had no experience that some of the users claim of it turning hair purple. And as a blonde, I can really tell that it's keeping my hair bright and just as I like it.

It's a little pricey, but not too bad. And it really will last you ages, you literally need to smallest amount in each wash. I have rather long hair, well past shoulder length, and it seems that I've used hardly any. I compliment this product with my Tresemme colour protect shampoo and condition and they all work a treat on my hair!

It's definitely a product that I would recommend to everyone; blonde or not! Hope this has helped!

*SIDE NOTE: Apologies for lack of post this fast few weeks and for the next few weeks also, A level exam season has just started here in the UK and all my AS exams are coming up (the first is tomorrow!) so I'm busy busy at the moment revising and preparing but I will try to upload as regular as I can.*

Monday 5 May 2014

Top Find!!

The Lion King has always been my absolute favourite Disney film, so when I saw this little gem in Primark I couldn't resist! It's just a great top to throw on with jeans and converse and always makes me smile when I see it. What else made me smile was the price, £6!
They also had a Bambi one in store which my sister brought. It's a great top to have, easy to wear and just a great reminder of childhood.
Very short post, but needed to share this awesome find :)

Saturday 3 May 2014

Eye Primer Bargain!

So, I am the type of person that always has to use an eye primer as eye shadows have a tenancy to crease on my lids.
I've never really tried e.l.f products before, but around a month ago I decided to do a semi big order from there and try a few products out. Amongst my purchases, was the e.l.f eye primer in the colour champagne. And it was only...wait for it.. £1.95! Before now, I have always used the Urban Decay Primer Potion which is £16.00, a lot more than the e.l.f one!
With the price being so low, I didn't expect much from this product, but oh how wrong I was. It makes my eye make-up last just as long as the Urban Decay one, I've been loving it, and especially loving the price. 
Though there isn't as much product in the e.l.f eye primer as the urban decay one, I've been using it every day for the past month and am still on my first one.
I would definitely recommend it to any of you looking for an eye primer, or for those of you who were hooked on the Urban Decay one and are up for giving something else a go.

Monday 28 April 2014

Shower Delights

I've always wanted to try soap and glory products, but never got around to getting any. So, after seeing them on the 3 for 2 offer in boots last week I decided to pick myself some bits up as a little treat. And mmmmmmm they smell so nice!
One of the products that I have used religiously since purchasing is the sugar crush body wash. This product smells citrusy and sweet at the same time, like a lemon cheesecake. It really wakes me up in the morning and gives me a burst of energy. 
Also, it has really gotten me in the mood for summer! The fresh fruity smell makes me want to throw on all my summer clothes and bring on the sun, fingers crossed the sun will come out in England soon :)

Thursday 24 April 2014

My M.A.C Palette

 It has to be said, I *LOVE* M.A.C eyeshadows, their texture, the colours, how long they last. EVERYTHING. I currently own 4 eyeshadows from there(working clockwise from the top left hand side of the palette above) they are; satin taupe, naked lunch, woodwinked and da bling.
(From left to right) da bling, woodwinked, naked lunch, satin taupe.
As shown by these swatches, they're all beautiful shimmery colours. Woodwinked is a great colour for all over the lid, I often pair it with blue eye liner for a pop of colour in the summer. For every day, I love wearing naked lunch over the lid with satin taupe in the crease, it's a classic look and works with every outfit.
I also wear da bling in the crease with naked lunch on the lid to give a pop of colour.

I hope that this will give any of you thinking about starting your own M.A.C eyeshadow collection a few ideas as to where to begin. All of these colours are so versatile and will work for so many people.

Tuesday 22 April 2014

My Lip Savour

Mint Julips- £5.50    Lip Service-£5.75

If there was a fire and I had to pick 10 items to save, without a doubt these 2 would be on the list. I used to struggle wearing lipsticks due to my lips constantly peeling whenever putting it on. I've tried so many different types of lip balms, and may different formulas of lipstick to try and sort out the problem, but the peeling and dry skin persisted.

I had heard many people talking about the lip scrubs from Lush, so decided to pick one up myself. I picked ''Mint Julips'', and oh my, this smells delicious! It smells like after eight mints, sooooooo good! And, for those of you that have never tried the Lush lip scrubs before, their consistency  is like sugar with a little bit of moisture. To use them, you get some on your finger and scrub it along your lips, then, you can either lick off the sugar, or which I sometimes do is just wash it off. This product is great because it gets rid of all the dead skin lingering on your lips and makes them soft soft soft!

The other product that I use alongside the lip scrub is one of the lip balms that's also from Lush, ''Lip Service''. I use to to put the moisture back into my lips and keep them moisturised all day long. It has a distinctive smell, it's hard to describe, but to see whether you like it or not I would recommend going into your closest Lush store and giving it a sniff to see what you think. Also, the consistency is very nice and thick.

This combo is the savour of my lips and I never leave the house without either one! And might I also add, they both last forever which is great. I hope that this might give anyone that suffers from dry lips that lack moisture some ideas as to products worth trying :). And also, if anyone else has any lip saving products, please let me know in the comments as I'm always looking for new products to try.

Monday 21 April 2014

Spring Savings!

After a rather large shopping trip this past week, I've notice there are lots of bargains in the shops currently. The spring to summer transition is by far one of my most favourite times of the year for fashion, and I have to say, I'm definitely not disappointed with what the shops have to offer this year!

I thought I'd like to share one of my favourite purchases, this cute little polka dot bag from Primark. This little beauty cost only £6! It's the perfect size and is great for a grab and go bag. It fits my essentials in nicely; purse, phone, mirror, lip balm and a few make-up pieces.

It's navy blue with white spots, they also do a black and white one too. But I went with this one as I felt is was less harsh for summer. Great buy!
Polka dot bag, Primark