
Thursday 24 April 2014

My M.A.C Palette

 It has to be said, I *LOVE* M.A.C eyeshadows, their texture, the colours, how long they last. EVERYTHING. I currently own 4 eyeshadows from there(working clockwise from the top left hand side of the palette above) they are; satin taupe, naked lunch, woodwinked and da bling.
(From left to right) da bling, woodwinked, naked lunch, satin taupe.
As shown by these swatches, they're all beautiful shimmery colours. Woodwinked is a great colour for all over the lid, I often pair it with blue eye liner for a pop of colour in the summer. For every day, I love wearing naked lunch over the lid with satin taupe in the crease, it's a classic look and works with every outfit.
I also wear da bling in the crease with naked lunch on the lid to give a pop of colour.

I hope that this will give any of you thinking about starting your own M.A.C eyeshadow collection a few ideas as to where to begin. All of these colours are so versatile and will work for so many people.


  1. Thanks for sharing!!! I really like how shimmery the colours are. Perfect! :-)


  2. Thank you :) They're very shimmery and perfect for summer :)
