
Saturday 3 May 2014

Eye Primer Bargain!

So, I am the type of person that always has to use an eye primer as eye shadows have a tenancy to crease on my lids.
I've never really tried e.l.f products before, but around a month ago I decided to do a semi big order from there and try a few products out. Amongst my purchases, was the e.l.f eye primer in the colour champagne. And it was only...wait for it.. £1.95! Before now, I have always used the Urban Decay Primer Potion which is £16.00, a lot more than the e.l.f one!
With the price being so low, I didn't expect much from this product, but oh how wrong I was. It makes my eye make-up last just as long as the Urban Decay one, I've been loving it, and especially loving the price. 
Though there isn't as much product in the e.l.f eye primer as the urban decay one, I've been using it every day for the past month and am still on my first one.
I would definitely recommend it to any of you looking for an eye primer, or for those of you who were hooked on the Urban Decay one and are up for giving something else a go.


  1. I love E.L.F. it's so affordable and preety decent quality. I'm now following you on GFC, I'd love it, if you could follow me back. xx

  2. It is :) I really want to try more products out, think I'm going to try the blushes next. I'm now following you too :) xx
